Bike comparison


So sleek and understated is the Editor Hybrid FE's frame, at first glance it barely looks like an e-bike. Lightweight, durable aluminium construction with Smooth Welding at the main tube joints creates an elegant frame, while the full carbon fork is both light and strong. We integrated the cables for long service life and better looks, and the 400Wh battery is built into the down tube to save space and weight. There's a versatile, rugged rear carrier and an optional front carrier for carrying your belongings. And we included full mudguards, a bright lighting set and a practical kickstand, so you've got everything you need.

Materiál rámu

Aluminium Superlite


400 Wh
You need to be where you need to be, with the minimum of hassle. And you need to be able to do that night or day, rain or shine, whilst carrying your belongings. Enter the Editor Hybrid SLT FE 400X. With its lightweight Bosch SX power and full complement of accessories, it's your two-wheeled assistant.

Ďalšie informácie

Kategória bicykla: 2

Viac informácií o kategóriách bicyklov nájdete na tomto odkaze.


Maximálna hmotnosť jazdca

Hmotnosť jazdca sa vzťahuje na celkovú hmotnosť jazdca vrátane oblečenia a akéhokoľvek vybavenia, ktoré má na sebe.

Informácie o rozložení hmotnosti celého systému v spojení s kompatibilným príslušenstvom (nosiče batožiny, vozíky za bicykle atď.) nájdete v tabuľke.


50 cm 54 cm 58 cm 62 cm
Sedlová rúrka 460 510 560 600
Horná rúrka horizontálne 570 586 596 607
Sedlový uhol 74.2° 74.2° 74.2° 74.2°
Hlavový uhol 69° 70° 70° 70°
Reťazové vzpery 477 477 477 477
Hlavová rúrka 152 157 177 197
Rázvor 1125 1131 1143 1155
Stredové zloženie po os náboja 70 70 70 70
Výška vyčnievajúcej časti - 80mm 772 807 845 876
Reach 400 413 418 424
Dosah 604 613 632 650
A B C D E F G H S R T 80


50 cm 54 cm 58 cm 62 cm
Dĺžka predstavca 60 75 75 90
Uhol predstavca
Šírka riadítok 680 680 680 680
Dĺžka kľúk 175 175 175 175
Dĺžka sedlovky 350 400 400 400
Priemer sedlovky 30.9 30.9 30.9 30.9
max. zasunutie sedlovky 290 250 300 300
Maximálny priemer plášťa 728 728 728 728
Maximálna šírka plášťa 52 52 52 52

Všetky údaje sa uvádzajú v milimetroch alebo stupňoch.

Combining the minimalist appeal of an elegant frame design and full carbon fork with the practicality of a full set of accessories including lights, mudguards, a rear carrier and a kickstand, the Editor Hybrid SLT FE 400X is your understated urban concierge. There's a low maintenance, clean Gates belt drive and a Shimano 11-speed Alfine hub gear. Bosch's lightweight, smooth and powerful SX drive and 400 Wh battery work together to help you on your way. Wide, comfortable and grippy Schwalbe Marathon Efficiency 50mm tyres tackle city streets with ease, and powerful Shimano Cues hydraulic disc brakes help keep you safe.