Replacement of Computer Mount - Litening C:68X 2020
Dear CUBE customer,
We would like to inform you about a safety-related preventive product replacement.
It concerns the auxiliary computer mounts on our 2020 Litening C:68X models (379100 / 379200 / 379300 / 379400, 379500 ).
Under certain conditions, heavy vibrations may lead to the mount breaking.
In order to avoid damage to computers already in use, all devices currently in circulation must be attached exclusively with a mounting strap (handlebar-to-computer, see Image 3). This also applies to the modified mount (Image 1, bottom) in order to minimize the risk of damage to the equipment in case of a fall or if it detaches itself from the mount (Image 2, plug view without insert for respective computer), ), e.g. when riding on rough surfaces.
The modified version can be recognised by the metal inserts in the mounting slots (Image 1, bottom).
Please contact your CUBE dealer so you can get the replacement mount.
We’ll be letting your dealer know as soon as possible regarding availability of the new mounts.
Thank you for your understanding.
Best regards,
Your Cube team

Image 1

Image 2

Image 3