Limitless riding enjoyment: Whether you're taking a jaunt through the countryside or cruising through the city – using the PowerTube, CompactTube or PowerPack means there's no limit to riding enjoyment. There's a suitable rechargeable battery for every requirement and every type of e-bike; whether it's the rack variant, frame battery or the integrated solution.
Bosch e-bike batteries are efficient, long-life power sources. They combine low weight with ergonomic design and simple handling. Thanks to their impressive mileage, long service life and an intelligent battery management system (BMS), which protects the battery from damage, they are among the most modern and safest on the market.
Find the suitable Bosch lithium-ion battery for any requirement and for every e-bike type: DualBattery is two batteries combined – ideal for heavy loads, extensive rides and long commutes.
PowerMore 250 is the water bottle-sized Range Extender for e-bikes with the smart system.
Discreetly integrated into the frame tube, these high-quality power sources are barely noticeable. Bosch offers numerous PowerTube variants, with different energy contents, in the smart system and in the Bosch eBike System 2. So you're prepared for any challenge – whether it's sporty riding on trails with your e-MTB, energy-sapping uphill riding with a fully loaded e-Cargo bike, or shorter, everyday rides in the city.

PowerTube 800

PowerTube 600

PowerTube 750

PowerTube 625

PowerTube 500
CompactTube 400

Slim, integrated, compact and delivering 400 watt hours at a weight of only around 2 kilograms, it's a real energy champion: The CompactTube 400 with innovative battery cell technology offers the highest energy density of all Bosch e-Bike batteries. This makes the extra-lightweight battery the ideal choice for sporty, light E-bikes or design-oriented e-Bikes – in short, for anyone who loves the sleek appearance of conventional bikes but doesn't want to do without electric support.
The versatile power sources: PowerPacks from Bosch are visibly mounted on the eBike frame or luggage rack. Charging is very simple with both variants: For charging with a Bosch charger, the PowerPacks can be removed easily, or charged directly on the bike itself. The high-quality, long-life frame or rack batteries have a high energy density combined with compact size and light weight.

PowerPack 725

PowerPack 500

PowerPack 400

Use two batteries simultaneously – for even more range: DualBattery is ideal if you want to ride long distances or are riding an e-bike that consumes more energy – for example an e-cargo bike.
Range Extender

PowerMore 250
Portable energy reserve: PowerMore 250 is the additional battery the size of a drinks bottle for even greater range and longer-lasting trail fun. Compact in size and weighing just 1.5 kilograms, the Range Extender can be easily mounted in the water bottle holder. The Range Extender can be combined with all batteries of the smart system. Please find out in advance, from specialist dealers, if you can use the Range Extender for your e-bike.
Range optimized
The range of Bosch e-bike batteries depends on numerous different factors.
Battery & temperature
With decreasing temperature, the performance and range of a battery is temporarily reduced, as the electrical resistance increases. Therefore, in cold temperatures, a temporary decrease in the usual range is to be expected.
Cadences above 60 revolutions per minute optimise the efficiency of the drive unit. Very slow pedalling, especially in high gears, on the other hand, costs the battery more energy.
Starting & braking
As with a car, frequent starting and stopping is less economical than long distances at almost constant speed.
Motor performance indicator
Monitor the motor performance with the motor performance indicator of the Intuvia, Kiox and Nyon on-board computers and adapt your riding style accordingly. A longer bar indicates a higher power consumption.
Gear shifting
Correct gear shifting also makes e-biking more efficient: A low gear should be used when starting and on inclines, followed by upshifts according to the terrain and speed. The on-board computer provides shift recommendations.
Tyre pressure
Rolling resistance can be minimised by correct tyre pressure. Tip: In order to maximise the range, inflate the tyres to the maximum permissible tyre pressure.
Weight should be minimised by keeping the total weight of the bicycle and luggage from being unnecessarily high.
Care & Use
With the correct handling and care, the service life of a Bosch e-bike battery can be lengthened. Here, the instructions for cleaning, as well as for storage when not in use for a longer period of time, must be taken into account. Tip: Carefully clean the plug poles occasionally and grease them lightly.
Care & proper treatment
The more conscientiously you treat the battery, the further it will take you.
The battery should be charged under dry conditions and at room temperature.
Storage during winter
Store the batteries in a dry location at temperatures between 0 and 20 °C. Storage at room temperature is ideal. Being completely charged or completely discharged for storage is not advised for the batteries. The ideal charge status for lengthy periods of storage is approx. 30 to 60% or two to three LEDs on the battery indicator.
Temperatures below -10 °C and above 60 °C should be avoided.
For transport, the battery should always be taken off the e-bike and safely transported in your car, for example.
Cleaning & Care
Cleaning with a direct water jet is impermissible, in particular to protect the electronic components. Before cleaning, remove the battery. Occasionally clean and lightly grease the plug terminals.
Winter use
During winter use (particularly below 0 °C) we recommend charging and storing the battery at room temperature before inserting the battery in the e-bike immediately before riding it. For frequent travel in the cold, it is advisable to use thermal protective covers.
Using a diagnostic unit, the dealer can check the health status of the e-bike, especially the battery, and tell you the number of charging cycles.
Service life

The service life of Bosch batteries is influenced mainly by the type and duration of use. Like every lithium-ion battery, a Bosch battery also ages over time, even if you do not use it. Over time it loses capacity.
Positive factors
- Low load
- Storage at a temperature between 0 and 20 °C
- Storage at approx. 30 to 60% charge statuscycles
- Parking the eBike in the shade or a cool location
Negative factors
- Heavy-duty use
- Storage at over 30 °C ambient temperature
- Prolonged storage in a completely charged or completely discharged state
- Parking of the eBike in the blazing sun
Charging time

As fast as you like
The charging time depends on the capacity of the battery and the charger type. The graphics show how quickly the various batteries can be charged with a particular charger.
Charging on the bike
PowerPacks and PowerTubes are particularly easy to charge directly on the e-bike itself. You just need to insert the charging plug on the charger into the charging socket in the battery mount and insert the power plug into the wall outlet. Done! The batteries should be charged at room temperature in a dry location where a smoke detector is installed.
Charging a removed battery
If the battery cannot be charged directly on the e-bike, the PowerPack and PowerTube can also be easily removed.
Charging while on the move
The infrastructure of charging stations for e-bike batteries is now well developed in many regions. Along popular bike routes, e-bikers have access to an increasingly dense network of charging stations.