Kdy by se vaše dítě mělo začít učit jezdit na kole? Začít je možné v podstatě kdykoliv! Lehký rám modelu Numove 120 jsme navrhli tak, aby navozoval pocit jistoty, a pečlivě zvolené komponenty jsou určeny pro ovládání malýma rukama. Výsledkem je kolo, které vám nestojí v rozletu a nechá vaše dítě, aby si užilo jízdu, jak se sluší a patří.

Lightweight Construction
Constructed from thin aluminium tubes for a bike that weighs in at just 5.0 kg. It’s the perfect recipe for carefree fun on two wheels.Child-Friendly Geometry
Plenty of standover clearance and carefully designed proportions add up to confident balance for young cyclists.Child-Friendly Ergonomics
Thin ACID grips and a smaller-diameter handlebar are perfect for small hands. Adjustable brake levers can be moved closer to the handlebar for confident, easy braking with very little force required.Protective Chain Cover
Fingers and clothing are kept safe and away from the chain.Pedalling Confidence
Small, child-friendly pedals and short crank arms are carefully chosen to suit the child’s height.Narrower Q factor
The Q factor – the distance between the pedal attachment points on the left and right crank arms – is adapted to suit children’s heights and body proportions. A smaller Q factor helps kids pedal more efficiently and ergonomically. And that adds up to more fun on two wheels.Light wheels
Light tyres offer plenty of traction and low rolling resistance. It makes cycling easy and safe for youngsters.